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Message  bsb22 Jeu 5 Mar - 0:19

Je posterai dans ce sujet des notes que j'ai pris des livres, de l'Internet, des documentaires, etc.  J'ai pris ces notes en anglais pour créer un livre de notes afin que je puisse le consulter pour mes études, mais aussi je voudrais le poster sur l'Internet si quelqu'un d'autre a un intérêt dans les sujets similaires.  Alors je voudrais traduire ces notes en français aussi, mais ça sera un peu de travail, comme nous verrons.

Je devrais dire aussi que ces notes sont sur les sujets "alternatifs." Ça veut dire qu'ils ne sont pas sur l'histoire comme elle est enseigné aux enfants à leurs écoles.

Alors, je commence.  study

Dernière édition par bsb22 le Jeu 5 Mar - 9:26, édité 1 fois


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Date d'inscription : 24/12/2014
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Notes en anglais pour traduire Empty Re: Notes en anglais pour traduire

Message  bsb22 Jeu 5 Mar - 0:22

Lost Knowledge of the Ancients:
A Graham Hancock Reader

Edited by Glenn Kreisberg (2010)

This book consists of fourteen articles contributed by different authors, as listed.

“The Egypt Code” – Robert Bauval

Orion (Osiris/Asar to the Egyptians) & Sirius appear on the eastern horizon in late June, when the Nile should begin to flood, & also around the summer solstice, their new year's day & “Birth of Ra.” Rituals were app. developed to ensure a flooding of Nile & thus fertile soil.

“Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA” – Richard C. Hoagland

NASA was created as a part of the defense establishment & is obligated to classify anything deemed a threat to national security. Hoagland describes 3 power groups behind NASA, including many foreigners, that he describes as the “magicians,” “masons” & “Nazis.” He says that he witnessed the head of press relations at JPL planting the first story of a faked Moon landing in the heads of reporters while the first landing mission was still ongoing, app. as a back-up cover story for actually going & coming back with ancient artifacts from a vanished, technologically-superior civilization.

“History and Celestial Time” – Walter Cruttenden

Ancients viewed time as cyclical, two cycles (ascension & descension) through various levels of consciousness, fitting into the “Great Year” of a complete procession of the equinox (~26,000 years). Ancient Mithraic temples suggest that the ascension & descension revolve around the age of Cautes & Cautopates.[1]
Vedic/Hindu Yuga Cycle: Kali (material/gross), Dwapara, Treta, and Satya (“golden age”) Yugas. According to Swami Sri Yukteswar, we are currently moving from the Kali Yuga into the Dwapara Yuga, the latter represented by electrical and atomic energy. The Treta Yuga/Silver Age was described by the Greeks as the “age of the demi-gods,” and by ancient Indians as the age of “magnetism and the mind.” Before the tower of Babel (pre- ~3100 BC), app. in the descending age of the Treta Yuga, mankind app. spoke one language, possibly telepathically, and more open/freely communed with nature. According to the same Swami, ~3100 BC was when mankind lost its collective powers of clairvoyance and telepathy. Paramahansa Yogananda says ~4100 CE is when we will enter the Treta Yuga from the Dwapara Yuga in the ascending cycle, when there will be “wizards” by today's standards of consciousness.

“The Orion Key” – Scott Creighton

The three main pyramids at Giza are patterned after the stars of the belt of Orion. The 2 sets of 3 “queen's pyramids” mark the same stars' extreme positions on the horizon as they appear to move with the precession of the equinox. The last alignment on the horizon with these pyramids was in ~10,500 BC, & the belt stars of Orion will reach their opposite position in alignment with the other 3 queen's pyramids around 2500 AD. ~10,500 BC corresponds to the end of the last ice age, mass extinctions & possibly other global changes/ cataclysms.

“The Cygnus Mystery” – Andrew Collins

Cygnus X-3 is a source of very high-energy, neutral-charged cosmic radiation that strikes the Earth and penetrates into the ground. There is app. a jet of superheated plasma from there, aimed straight at the solar system. In ancient times Cygnus was associated with a swan or other large bird (vulture in Egypt) which carried souls to and/or from Earth upon birth/death. The stork also derives from this. Ancients seemed fascinated with this part of the sky and it is suspected by some that the elevated levels of cosmic radiation from this region may have contributed to the evolution of modern man.

“The Gulf of Khambhat” – S. Badrinaryan

Ancient ruins off the coast of India, more than 100 ft. below water in places and over 12 miles from the modern coast. Miles of geometric shapes picked up on sonar scans, and retrieved artifacts, including fossilized human bone, cover the enormous range of ~3000 BC to ~31,000 BC (the latter date given for a piece of pottery).

“The Orion Zone” – Gary A. David

Native Americans of the SW app. built sites creating a map of the constellation Orion (which they say was taught to them when they first arrived) in Arizona. The Hopi believed an entrance to the underworld is in the Grand Canyon. The word “zone” refers to the belt of Orion.

“On the Possibility of Instantaneous Shifts of the Poles” – Flavio Barbiero

The poles were app. centered over Greenland, extending as ~2-mile-thick ice sheets as far as London, Berlin and New York, around 50,000-12,000 years ago. Siberia was not covered in ice, and was inhabited. Based on archaeological evidence, shifts have occurred in a matter of days, possibly due to celestial impacts.


[1] According to Wikipedia, “Cautes and Cautopates are torch-bearers depicted attending the god Mithras in the icons of ancient Roman cult of Mithraism, known as Tauroctony. Cautes holds his torch raised up, and Cautopates holds his torch downward. … In Mithraic images Mithras either represents the sun, or is a close friend of the sun god Helios or Sol Invictus (Latin: the invincible sun) with whom Mithras dines. So attendants Cautes and Cautopates are supposed to either represent the stations of sunrise and sunset respectively, or perhaps the spring and autumn equinoxes.” In the context of this article, Cruttenden suggests that these two “attendants” are representative of a much larger cycle than the yearly equinoxes. According to, neither of these two “attendants” are recorded in surviving literary works, but survive engraved upon monuments associated with the Mithraic cult.


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Message  bsb22 Jeu 5 Mar - 0:36

Exposed, Uncovered & Declassified:
Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past

Edited by Michael Pye & Kirsten Dalley (2011)

This is also a book of individual contributions from numerous authors.

“Archaeological Scandals” – Frank Joseph

200-lb. sandstone with medieval Swedish runic script found on the top and one side, explaining that “Eight Götalanders and twenty-two Norwegians on [this] reclaiming/acquisition journey far west from Vinland,” in Solem, Minnesota.  It explained that at this spot, after returning from a day's journey North, the men discovered ten (of their own?) dead & bloody.  It then continued, “Ave Maria. Save from evil.”  It was dated 1362.  It also said that 10 men kept their ships, 14 days' journey away. The script matches 14th century tombstone engravings from the island of Götland, off the coast of Sweden, including a “dotted R” rune that was not discovered by modern scholars until 1935 (the stone was discovered in 1898), and testing showed it was approx. 500 years old.
Another anomalous stone carving was found near the mouth of Bat Creek in Tennessee on Feb. 14th, 1889, ~40 mi. south of Knoxville.  The inscription was found in a Native American burial mound dated to around 100 AD, along with copper bracelets (zinc-copper alloy commonly used in the Roman Empire from ~45 BC to ~200 AD), & consisted of a paleo-Hebrew inscription of the word “Judea” (“LYHWD”) with characters also dating back to the 2nd century, approx. 70-135 AD.  The burial mound itself, one of three at the site, was 28 ft. across, 5 ft. high, & contained 9 human skeletons.[1]  Wood fragments found with it were carbon-dated in 1988 to between 32 and 769 AD.

A baked clay tablet with cuneiform characters, app. a receipt for a sacrificial lamb to celebrate the promotion of “Enmahgalanna” to a priestess of the Moon god Nanna, was found along with other symbolic items in the medicine bag of Chief Joseph of a band of Nez Perce natives upon his surrender to U.S. cavalry on Oct. 5th, 1877.  The tablet was ~1” square, & the script was of an ancient Mid-East culture, the Sumerians, dating back to approx. 2042 BC.  Chief Joseph explained that the item had been passed on for many generations from white ancestors who had arrived in ancient times & taught his people many things.

A 1978 recreation of an ancient Sumerian reed boat proved sea-worthy enough to last at least 5 months on ocean voyages from the Persian Gulf to Pakistan, & the Red Sea.

Another Sumerian tablet was found in Lexington, Georgia near “ancient stone projectile points,” & the tablet was connected to Ur-Nammuk, Iraq, around the year 2040 BC.

Yet another record of a Sumerian tablet found in Georgia, by a Mrs. Joe Hearn, near the Chattahoochee River in NW Georgia, contained a cuneiform receipt of the sale of sheep & goats, app. transported overseas to America, identifying the 37th or 38th year of the reign of King Sulgi of Ur, ~2040 BC.  The sheep & goats appeared to be for ritual sacrifice to the Sun god Utu & the goddess Lama Lugal.  This king's reign (properly 2029 BC-1982 BC) represents what is possibly the peak of Sumerian international commerce, & the king is known for his expansionist policies, & would be the most likely to have reached GA.

Another Sumerian cuneiform tablet was discovered among ancient Native American arrowheads, ~2 ft. below ground, in Quaker City, Ohio, in 1978.  It made references, in ancient cuneiform, to the elevation of the ruler Karzida, ~2030 BC.

A fired ceramic bowl was dug up near the pre-Incan ruins of Tiahuanaco in Peru, & contained both ancient Sumerian cuneiform on the inner rim, & an unknown script.  It also depicted animals & anthropomorphic figures.  This bowl was discovered in 1959, & in Dec. 2001 a 350-lb., 5-ft. tall & 2-ft. wide statue was discovered nearby, of a man in a loin cloth, also with ancient Sumerian cuneiform along the back.  A translation of either has app. not been completed.

Similarities between ancient Sumerian & Peruvians: belief in a twin-peaked mountain where the Sun rested at night: “Mashu” in Sumerian, “Machu Picchu” to the Incans;  “Great lord” in Sumerian, “Enki,” is also the meaning of “Inca”; both built step-pyramids of sun-dried brick.

Discovery of ancient burial mounds on the island of Shemya in the Aleutian Semichi chain containing skulls measuring 22-24 in. from base to crown, app. from the Incan/Pharaonic practice of elongating skulls to display royalty, in 1942. There were “hundreds” of skulls, also featuring surgical holes.

G. E. Kincaid's discovery of an ancient “barracks” with edged weapons, shields, breastplates, tools & ornaments in a cavern system in the Grand Canyon, as well as app. shrine with a Buddha-like statue, walls adorned with hieroglyphic script, in 1908.  The Smithsonian dispatched S. A. Jordan with a team that carted out loads of artifacts & sealed the cave with an iron gate.

A Harvard-sponsored archaeological project in the mid-1970's in Hueyatlaco, Mexico (~70 mi. SE of Mexico City) found evidence of man-made fire that was dated back about a quarter of a million years.  All fossils & artifacts recovered at the site were promptly seized by the Mexican gov.'t, & a Mexican member of the team banned from any further field work.

Yates, Donald N. “Anomalous Mitochondrial DNA Lineages in the Cherokee”:  The DNA of people of the Hills of Galilee, in Israel, 2000 years ago, is related to “pure-blooded” Cherokee.

“Paradises Lost” – Oberon Zell

Up until ~10,500 years ago, much of the Earth's water was trapped in miles-thick sheets of ice, & sea levels were hundreds of feet lower than today.  This is believed to have been the case for ~59,000 years, known as the Würm Glaciation.

Humans tend to build cities at the mouths of rivers, meaning any such cities present during the Würm Glaciation would most likely now be under hundreds of feet of water and/or silt deposits.
Eden:  Genesis 2:10-14 describes a river flowing into Eden that, farther inland, divided into 4 headwaters: the rivers Pishon, Gihon, Tigris & Euphrates.  The last two are known by those same names today.  The Pishon was probably now-dry ravines that run toward the Persian Gulf from Saudi Arabia, known as Wadi Rimah & Wadi Batin, & the Gihon may be the Karun River from Iran that was diverted in 1765 into the Haffar Channel, which was dug in 986.  The Biblical Eden would then have been where these rivers joined before entering the gulf, & may now be submerged if older than 4000 BC, which seems to be around when water levels stopped rising from melting glaciers.

Dilmun: A land of paradise described in the Sumerian epic “Enki and Ninhursag,” also mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh, & may have been on the Saudi coast of the Persian Gulf, a large portion of which was also submerged, app. between 6000 & 4000 BC.

“The Deluge”: The oldest account of the biblical flood may be the “Eridu Genesis” surviving on fragments of cuneiform tablets dated to ~1600 BC, the first Babylonian dynasty, or a ~1700 BC Akkadian epic named after the protagonist Atrahasis.  In the latter, the flood is described as lasting 7 days.  In the Biblical account it rained for “forty days and forty nights,” & the waters rose for 150 days.  King Gilgamesh of Uruk is believed to have reigned around 2700 BC, when this flood was already an old legend.  At Atrahasis' home city of Ubara-Tutu, modern-day Tell Fara, Iraq, flood deposits from an ancient event were radiocarbon dated to ~2900 BC, which fits with histories of Sumerian kings.  Evidence of this flood was found as far north as Kish, exactly the city where the Atrahasis epic describes the kings arriving from heaven to re-establish rule.

William Ryan & Walter Pitman of Columbia University have proposed the explanation that the flooding was caused around 5600 BC by ten cubic miles of water per day (~200x the volume of Niagara Falls) pouring from the Mediterranean into the previously-isolated Black Sea through the Bosporus, raising it hundreds of feet, connecting it to saltwater oceans & submerging ~60,000 sq. mi. of farmland.  The replacement of freshwater molluscs in the Black Sea (dating to 15,500-7640 years ago) with saltwater molluscs (6820-2800 years old) supports this, but it may just be another example of world-wide rises in sea level that ended around 4000 BC, & that were a distinct event from the sudden inundation in Mesopotamia that the ~2900 BC dating implies.  However, Eden & Dilmun may have already been submerged from rising sea levels before the later flood.

Bruce Masse of Los Alamos has suggested an impact of a ~3-mile-wide celestial body off the coast of Madagascar between 3000 & 2800 BC, creating the 18-mile-diameter crater called Burcle Crater, 12,500 ft. below the surface.  Masse believes it would have created a 600-ft. tsunami, spawned superhurricanes on the other side of the Earth, caused global darkness, & killed ~80% of the global population.  In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim saw a pillar of black smoke on the horizon before the sky went dark for a week, & then a cyclone flooded the land.  A Chinese flood myth dates to the reign of Empress Nu Wa,[2] ca. 2807 BC (May 10th, according to astronomical cross-checking).

Doggerland: Another ancient land now submerged, consisting of the continental shelf extending between/under Ireland, Great Britain, & mainland Europe, made it possible to walk from Ireland to Germany or Sweden.  The exposed land was approx. the same area as modern Great Britain, mostly from the English Channel, north to the North Sea & east beyond Denmark.  Artifacts have already been dredged from the North Sea, proving ancient habitation.  The area is believed to have been submerged around 6200 BC, at least partially as a result of the Storegga Landslide off the coast of Norway.[3]

Lemuria: Another landmass submerged after the last ice age, in the regions of India & especially the continental shelf around Indonesia.  The name “Lemuria” was coined by Philip Sclater in 1864 to explain how lemurs had spread throughout a number of geographically isolated (ie islands separated by expanses of water) places.  Some attribute ancient activities around Mt. Shasta in California to the Lemurians.

Mu: A landmass hypothesized to exist in the Pacific Ocean (no submerged shelves are known to exist there) to explain cultural similarities between widely-scattered people, such as the Hawaiians, Easter Islanders, etc.

Atlantis: Made famous by Plato & widely debated. Supposedly it passed to Plato from his great-grandfather, who got the story from the Greek statesman Solon (638-558 BC), who got it from Egyptian priests.  Two of many possibilities are the Azores Plateau now submerged under the Atlantic Ocean a few hundred miles west of Portugal & comparable in area to France (above water ~10,500 years ago), & the island of Thera in the Mediterranean, which was also larger in ancient times & was app. destroyed by a volcanic eruption around 1628 BC & which the Egyptians would have known about because of the size of the blast.

Ancient South America: Much of Western South America was app. covered by a huge “inland sea,” & remains of cultures in the area have been dated back to ~12,000 years ago.  In addition to the Sumerian cuneiform mentioned in the previous article, papyrus reeds grow in profusion around Lake Titicaca – the only place in the world they grow wild besides Egypt, & the S.A. locals still make boats from them as the ancient Egyptians did.

“Atlantis: The Lost Walhalla” – Philip Coppens

The Belgian historian Marcel Mestdagh has published work showing a pattern to the Viking invasion of NW Europe between the 8th & 11th centuries: after initial skirmishes had landed, large land armies were formed, first in England, then in France, that roamed ancient megalithic sites that fell along concentric circles of roads, based around Nottingham in England & Sens in France. The only town the Vikings did not take by attack was Sens, which was taken with a passive ~6 month siege. These towns were both focal points of arrangements of megalithic structures that were constructed by an unknown ancient people.  The Vikings had a legend of a lost home island called Walhalla, similar to the Celts, who called their lost island Avalon, & the Portuguese, who called theirs Antilia.  The Dutch word for island, “eiland,” literally means “eggland,” ie “egg-shaped land,” & the region surrounding Sens to this day is known as the Île-de-France, literally the “Island of France.”  Sens was also the stronghold of the ancient Celtic tribe “Senones” (“elders”), & when the Romans invaded, Caesar made it his HQ.

The most striking thing about Sens is the network of roads & canals of pre-historic origin, in concentric rings around it, along which also lie all number of the major surrounding cities: Paris, Orléans, Meax, Châtillon-sur-Seine (Oval I), Vernon, Vendôme, Blois, Bourges, Château-Chinon (Oval II), Amiens, Rouen, Alençon, le Mans, Château-du-Loir, Tours, Châteauroux, Moulins, Chalon-sur-Saône, Dole, Metz (Oval III), le Havre, Caen, Angers, Saumur, Vichy, Mâcon, Trier, Dinant, and Escautpont (Oval IV).  The inner oval has a circumference of ~400 mi., & the outer of ~1,106 mi.

This network of ancient megalithic roads, canals & monuments match Plato's description of Atlantis: the “island” of Atlantis was 3,000 stadia (333 miles), while the center oval around Sens (ie, the Île-de-France region) can be precisely inscribed inside a diamond with sides of 333 mi. each.  Like Atlantis, the entire network within the 4 ovals is situated between mountains (the Alps) & the sea, & also on flat land between the two.  Plato described Atlantis as 222 miles from the sea – the precise distance between the diamond's southern point & the Mediterranean.  Plato described 10 kingdoms of Atlantis, & within this ancient network, ancient Celtic tribes were known to mark their separate territories with megalithic stone monuments/markers, & many towns in the area have a word for “marker” in their names to this day (ie “Marc-” or “Merc-”).  Another Greek philosopher, Proclus, made a reference to the middle kingdom of Atlantis being 1000 stadia (~111 mi.), which is the width of the central oval.  Also within the central oval is a town named Avalon, matching the Celtic legend.

Megalithic structures in Britain, Ireland & Brittany are found to have made use of a common use of measure.  The megalithic sites of Stonehenge & Avebury are also connected by an oval road that forms a similar network to the one in France, but smaller in scale (this oval measures 1/10th of oval II in France).  It is also app. that the ancient builders were able to locate the geographic center of Britain.

The author contends that, being untouched by Roman conquests,[4] the Viking culture still kept enough knowledge of its heritage to allow the Vikings to navigate the ancient megalithic sites in Britain & France, somehow knowing precisely where they were looking & possibly able to still interpret the ancient stone markers on the system of roads.

Wim Zitman has noticed mathematical similarities between the Atlantean dimensions & the star Sirius, which was also sacred to the Egyptians.

A collection of ancient towns deriving their names from the word “Eleusis” was found by Xavier Guichard in the 1930's to form a pattern aligning with solstices & equinoxes of ~12,000 years ago.  These places span Poland, Spain, Egypt, & Greece, but are primarily in France.  A lack of sites named from “Eleusis” in Britain makes sense with this time frame, since Britain would have been largely covered in ice at this time.[5]

The author suggests that the original civilization in these areas dates to ~12,000 years ago, but after some app. disaster, was replaced with succeeding peoples, including what may have been the creators of the concentric megalithic network between ~4500 & 1200 BC.

“Temples, Creator-Gods, and the Transfiguration of the Soul” – Freddy Silva

Ancient Egyptians considered Pharaoh Menes their first purely human ruler, ca. 3100 BC.  The Egyptian “Building Texts” refer to an even earlier period they called the “Occasion of the First Time,” when the land was ruled by “Neteru” (“creator-gods”) until a global deluge[6] ended their reign.  These texts also mention that the “Ahau” (“gods who stand up”) were 9 cubits (15 feet) tall.
Jacob Roggeveen, of the western explorers to first discover Easter Island, described two distinct races living there at the time : the “short ears” (normal humans) & “long ears,” who he recorded as “averaging 12 feet in height.”  The natives believed that the “long ears” were descendants of what they called the “masters of specialized knowledge,” who built the megalithic monuments on Easter Island using “mana,” app. a form of psychic energy.  These giant men were still on the island in 1722, according to Roggeveen. According to the natives, “by words of mouths” the statues were moved into place.

There are at least 175 ancient global flood myths. Alexander Tollman of Australia has compared several of these myths that refer to “seven burning suns” coming down & striking the Earth before the flood came.  Further comparison to ancient meteor impact sites yielded a date for these events ca. 10,000 BC, & in 2008 a group of Danish scientists settled on the year of 9703 BC, approximately the date given by Plato for the sinking of Atlantis.[7]  At this time ash/soot was hurled into the atmosphere in massive amounts & amounts of carbon-14 were increased.

According to various cultures (Egypt, India, the Andes), after this catastrophe, seven sages/“shining ones”/etc.[8] came down to oversee the rebuilding process.  According to the Andeans, who called these people the Huari, they were white-skinned, bearded giants.  Many of the ancient sites attributed to them are used as spiritual initiation sites to this day.

Many mountains considered sacred by ancient cultures can be grouped into 3's to form right/isosceles/equilateral triangles to high degrees of accuracy.  Ex: Mt. Kailas,[9] hill of Gabbar,[10] & Maa Sharda[11] (form right triangle to within 1° of error, & all associated with Shiva); Avebury, England, Kealkill, Ireland,[12] & Machrie Moor in Scotland[13] (form equilateral triangle).

The same rites, & ancient megalithic sites in general, tend to be geomagnetic hot spots and/or exhibit geomagnetic anomalies.  This may be related to a desired effect upon the human body, ie to induce a trance or etc.

The Egyptian temple at Saqqara, for ex., contains alternating geomagnetic fields aligned with the geometry of the temple itself so as to interact with the human body upon approach to the temple. Such sites were considered by the ancients to be gateways to the heavens & a means for humans to reach “paradise,” etc.

Sacred geometry was applied at these sites, often making use of multiples/divisors & harmonics of numbers relating to the pentagram, golden ratio, tetrahedron & sphere, & the angle of 32.72 (or 33) degrees.

“Our Sonic Past” – Marie D. Jones & Larry Flaxman

Swedish civil engineer Henry Kjelson writes of the account of a Dr. Jarl who saw Tibetans move stones using musical instruments, & being able to precisely place them this way.[14]  Another account, of an Austrian-filmmaker named “Linauer” in Tibet in the 1930's, similarly recounts musical instruments & some type of screen that reflected the sounds to move large stones.
Ancient sites being able to amplify or reverberate sounds within them in various ways.

“Oppenheimer's Iron Thunderbolt” – Micah A. Hanks

Mention in the Mahabharata of an ancient weapon, a “blazing shaft” of “smokeless flame” that later blots out the Sun & causes survivors' hair & nails to fall out.  It's also described as making food inedible & reducing two ancient races to ash.

Flying craft known as “vimanas” in the Vedas that are described as having engines in iron enclosures that utilized vortices of liquid mercury for propulsion.

Evidence in ancient coral deposits of higher amounts of radioactive uranium in the atmosphere, along with metal particles indicating ancient mining & smelting activities.

Evidence of Great Lakes region in the US being subjected to an ancient atomic blast, theoretically from an ancient supernova or etc.  Firestone, Richard B. & William Topping. “Terrestrial Evidence of a Nuclear Catastrophe in Paleoindian Times.”[15]

Excavations at the Mohenjo-Daro[16] site in the Indus River Valley in Pakistan reveal a buried city, similar to Pompeii, with badly burned people lying dead in the streets.  Also bricks melted on one side, facing an epicenter of melted sand at the center.  Everything within the 150-ft. Epicenter was “crystallized, fused or melted.”  This happened “more than” 3000 years ago.  The site was still radioactive [at the time of excavation].

“From the Pyramids to the Pentagon” – Nick Redfern[17]

A man named George Wellington Van Tassel in August 1953, near Yucca Valley, California, claimed to have been woken up in the middle of the night by an extraterrestrial that gave him a tour of its “scout” spacecraft, told Van Tassel of mankind's history, & warned against nuclear annihilation.[18]  He later claimed to have met with other ETs as well, including “Numa of Uni; Ah-Ming of Tarr; Rondolla of the Fourth Density; and Zolton, the Highest Authority in the Sector System of Vela.”  Van Tassel began giving public lectures regarding these experiences, gathering as many as 12,000 people or more at the height of his popularity in the 1950's.  He gave alternative accounts of biblical stories, as being in relation to ancient ET encounters with humans.  For example, he said ancient animals with body temperatures of 105 degrees died after the last ice age & were replaced with modern animals by ETs, & that this was behind the story of every animal of the Earth being loaded into Noah's Ark to survive the flood.  He also said that Adam was not a man but a race introduced by ETs that was all-male.  They then began mating with women of a more primitive race of men, resulting in the fall.  Van Tassel said he was told that after this happened, the “space people” would no longer land, but continued to watch over mankind because of their involvement in his creation.  He said these “space people” were also responsible for the 10 Commandments, Mary & Jesus, & also Native American legends about corn & potatoes being given from a flaming canoe.  The FBI kept surveillance of Van Tassel in the 1950's.

Abu al-Hasan Ali al-Mas'udi (“the Herodotus of the Arabs”) wrote in the 10th century of an Arabic legend implying the Pyramids were built using levitation technology.

An expert on Djinn lore, Philip Imbrogno, claimed to have learned of a covert US attempt to use Djinn as a weapon in Arabia in 1995.

“Race, Interrupted” – Scott Alan Roberts

The author suggests that the scene in the Garden of Eden in Genesis may have been symbolic of the creation of a dual bloodline of mankind, one of which had been intermingled with the face of the “serpent,” & that Cain & Abel, if not historical facts, were symbolic of the Adamic & “serpent” bloodlines.  Note is made of all the language in the original Hebrew that is consistent with sexual innuendos.  The Hebrew word for the serpent is “nachash” (pronounced 'naw-kawsh'), meaning “magician, enchanter; a spellbinder; to illuminate, shine.” One interpretation is “a shining being with the power to enchant.”[19]  Note is also made of the app. fact that when Cain was cast out of Eden & went East, 1) he was afraid of someone finding him & killing him as he wandered (who else was there but Adam & Eve?), & 2) he found a wife after going East, despite no mention of a daughter by Adam & Eve.[20]  Jehovah is also described as having his presence in Eden in particular, since when Cain leaves to go East, he is “out from the LORD's presence.”  Enoch was the son of Cain & his wife.

“Clash of the Giants” – Pat Chouinard

Giants from Hindu, Greek & Norse mythologies are compared.  In the Hindu “Vishnu Purana” & “Mahabharata” they are the Daitya & associated with water & a sunken city; in Greek, the Gigantes & the Titans, both of whom made war on the Olympian gods (& the Titans were defeated by the Olympians only with the help of Heracles); in Norse mythology, there are the children of Thrud, descended from the front giant Ymir, & the children of Bor, including the Aesir.  The Norse giants engaged in protracted battle that ended when the death of Ymir, who was killed by Odin, Vili, & Ve, who are Aesir, caused a global flood.

Gigantopithecus: an ancient race of giants known to scientists, standing around 9½ ft. tall.[21]
Biblical references: Job 25:5-6; Genesis 6:4; “Nephilim” from the Hebrew verb “nafol,” meaning “to fall”; the Book of Enoch & a portion of it known as the “Book of Giants”; the Rephaim, first appearing in Genesis 14:5, who were defeated in an expedition that ultimately conquered Sodom & Gomorrah, in Genesis 14:10; Deuteronomy 3:11; II Samuel 21:20; Samuel 7:1-4; 1 Chronicles 20:3-8.

The Paiute tribe of modern-day Nevada tell of the Si-Te-Cah: giant, red-haired Caucasians who inhabited their lands before they arrived there.  Skeletons in the dry Humboldt lake bed near Lovelock,[22] NV, 2 mummified giants, one 8½ ft. tall, the other 10 ft. tall.

Magellan, Francis Drake, De Soto & Commodore Byron all reported coming across living giants in N.A.[23]  Magellan found a red-haired giant near the harbor of San Julian, Mexico, ~10 ft. with a “voice like a bull.”

“The AB Intervention Hypothesis” – Paul Von Ward

Deuteronomy 10:17, “For God of the Elohim.”[24]

B-type blood [is believed to have] appeared ~11,500 BC, & is most concentrated near Turkey & Mesopotamia.[25]

“Ethopic Book of Enoch and Genesis,” 1:26.

“The Micmac and the Picts” – Steven Sora

Similarities & other coincidences regarding the natives of North America & the Picts of Scotland:
A Frenchman (Lescarbot) in 1606 described the language of the Micmac of present-day Canada as “half-Basque.”

DNA of N.A. natives of the same region (haploid group “X”) are also related to the Basque region between France & Spain.[26]
Sir Walter Raleigh called the Algonquin speakers in Virginia “Picts.”
Scots called the Picts “wee dark men.”
The Micmac & Picts both tattooed themselves in blue.
The Picts kept northern Britain unconquered by the Romans, who feared them.  The Picts fought nude & covered in blue paint.  They eventually ran the Romans out of Britain, but their culture & language were later assimilated by Christian culture & the Scots-Gaelic language.
The Pict language largely remains unknown to this day, though it shows similarities to the Algonquin group of languages, for ex. the Algonquin “wigwam” & the Pictish “weegamme.”  Also, Gaelic shows some similarities with Algonquin: Algonquin “monad” (mountain) & Gaelic “monadh” (mountain); “nock” (hill) & “cnoc”; “merrimack” (deep fishing) & “merriomack” (of great depth).
The writer Gildas, in 570 AD, claimed the Picts originally came from another land across the ocean.
Micmac & Picts were both matriarchal.  The Picts were the only matriarchal society on the British Isles.[27]
Micmac & Picts were both organized into clans.
Micmac clans used decorated loincloths to distinguish themselves from each other; the Picts wore what became kilts [integrated into Scottish culture].
Both elected their spiritual & tribal leaders, & chieftains were determined by women.
Both wore feathered headdresses, & were known for ceremonial dances.

There are at least a handful of historical incidences of foreign people matching Native American description arriving in various places in Europe by boat in pre-Columbian times.

“A Symbolic Landscape” – Thomas G. Brophy

Ceremonial sites in the Egyptian desert dating from ~12,000 to ~6,000 years ago, when the area was not an arid desert, marking solstices & movements of certain stars, ie Sirius and/or Orion's Belt.

“The Time Machines” – Erich von Däniken

The Great Pyramid is aligned with the cardinal directions, lies at the center of Earth's land masses, is aligned in a perfect 3:4:5 Pythagorean triangle with the other pyramids, acts as a sundial, measures 365.342 Egyptian cubits (the number of days in a solar year[28]) on each side at the base, & is the same distance from the North Pole as from the center of the Earth.


[1] Compare with Coast to Coast radio notes from 05/11/13.  Josh Reeves states that the skeletons found in this burial mound at Bat Creek were of giants, and that their genetics belonged to the haplogroup “X.”  For further information on the Bat Creek stone, see the “Suppressed History & Out-of-Place Artifacts” section of the Internet notes section, the notes for chapter 3 of the book Lost Worlds of Ancient America, or simply see the index entry for “Bat Creek Stone” at the end of this volume for all references to the artifact within this volume.

[2]  From the Wikipedia article on “Nuwa”:  “There was a quarrel between two of the more powerful gods, Gong Gong, the God of Water and Zhu Rong, the God of Fire, and they decided to settle it with a fight. They fought all the way from heaven to earth, wreaking havoc everywhere. When the God of Water Gong Gong saw that he was losing, he smashed his head against Mount Buzhou (不周山), a mythical peak supposed to be northwest of the Kunlun range in southern Xinjiang which was said to be a pillar holding up the sky. The pillar collapsed, half the sky fell in, the earth cracked open, forests went up in flames, flood waters sprouted from beneath the earth and dragons, snakes and fierce animals leaped out at the people. Many people were drowned and more were burned or devoured.  …
“The Nüwa flood stories share common elements with other global deluge traditions, such as:
global flood or calamity (Gong Gongs destruction)
destruction of humanity and animals (explicitly described)
select pair survives calamity (Fuxi & Nuwa in most Chinese versions)
select pair survives in a boat or gourd (Zhuang version)
similarity of names (Nuwa, Noah, Nu, Manu, Oannes, etc.)
rebuilding humanity after devastation (explicitly described)
colorful heavenly object (5 colored pillar, rainbow)
“Similarly, aspects of the Nuwa creation myths, such as the creation of humans from mud, the Fuxi-Nuwa brother-sister pair, the half-snake element, and survival of a flood, resemble creation myths from other cultures. Nuwa and Fuxi resemble the Japanese brother-and-sister deities Amaterasu and Susanoo.”

[3] From the Wikipedia article on “Storegga Slide”: The three Storegga Slides are considered to be amongst the largest known landslides. They occurred under water, at the edge of Norway's continental shelf (Storegga is Norwegian for "the Great Edge"), in the Norwegian Sea, 100 km (62 mi) north-west of the Møre coast, causing a very large tsunami in the North Atlantic Ocean. This collapse involved an estimated 290 km (180 mi) length of coastal shelf, with a total volume of 3,500 km3 (840 cu mi) of debris. This would be the equivalent volume to an area the size of Iceland covered to a depth of 3 m (112 ft).
Based on carbon dating of plant material recovered from sediment deposited by the tsunami, the latest incident occurred around 6100 BCE. In Scotland, traces of the subsequent tsunami have been recorded, with deposited sediment being discovered in Montrose Basin, the Firth of Forth, up to 80 km (50 mi) inland and 4 m (13 ft) above current normal tide levels.

[4] The implication here is that the Roman Empire actively eradicated the culture of conquered peoples, or at least any remnants of knowledge of a great ancestor civilization.  It would make sense in the interests of public order to install elements of Roman culture and Roman law, but if the Roman Empire was influenced or governed ultimately by remnants of Anunnaki as some have suggested (for example, see C2C notes, 8/21/13 & 8/29/13), then one might expect an active cover-up of anything indicative of that at that time, perhaps similar to today.

[5] This also corroborates with the idea, recurring throughout these notes in various forms, of an advanced, widespread civilization existing before the end of the last ice age, and possibly ending with the last ice age due to global cataclysms such as meteor impacts and/or floods, apparently as a separate incident from the flood at the time of Noah, which seems to have been several thousand years later.  See the timeline section of this book for clarification of the chronology.

[6] By comparison with other data, this time and event is more likely related to the flood known best through the story of Noah, a distinct event later than the event that ended the ice age.  See the timeline section of this book for clarification of the chronology.

[7] See the Bashar notes under “History of Atlantis” in the channeled notes section for another reference to an impact ending Atlantis.

[8] Compare to notes from Linda Moulton Howe's C2C reporting, 8/29/13.  Nordic-type beings in that report are described as being able to “glow,” thus suggesting also the OT term “shining ones.”  These are also associated with a faction of the Anunnaki who were sympathetic towards mankind in Howe's report.

[9] Also known as Mount Kailash, a peak in the Kailas Range in Tibet near the Indian border.  It is considered sacred in the religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Bön.  At the time of writing (Nov 2013), there are no records of ascent attempts.

[10] Also known as Gabbar Hill, located about 5 km from a major Shakti temple in Ambaji, India.  It is called the “center of cosmic power of India.”  The name of the hill is derived from “Garbha deep,” meaning a lamp inside of an earthen pot, associated with a popular folk dance which was performed on top of this hill.

[11] The Maa Sharda Temple, also commonly known as Sharda Devi after the goddess Sharda, is on the Trikuta hill of Maihar, near the city of Maihar, India.  A myth explaining the origin of Maihar states that Vishnu sought to save mankind from wrathful fit of Shiva's by cutting Shiva's body into 52 pieces, and each place where a piece fell to the ground, a temple of “mother-worship” was created.

[12] Kealkill, at the far SW end of Ireland, features a megalithic stone circle.

[13] This location, on the Isle of Arran, also features megalithic stone formations.

[14] More detailed information on this can be found in an article by Bruce Cathie entitled “Acoustic Levitation of Stones,” found online at <>.

[15] From an article at Science Frontiers Online, No. 135: May-June 2001, first quoting the Firestone & Topping paper itself:  “Our research indicates that the entire Great Lakes region (and beyond) was subjected to particle bombardment and a catastrophic nuclear irradiation that produced secondary thermal neutrons from cosmic ray interactions. The neutrons produced unusually large quantities of 239Pu and substantially altered the natural uranium abundances (235U/238U) in artifacts and in other exposed materials including cherts, sediments, and the entire landscape. These neutrons necessarily transmuted residual nitrogen (14N) in the dated charcoals to radiocarbon, thus explaining anomalous dates.”  The online article then continues regarding this paper's claim:  “Some North American dates may in consequence be as much as 10,000 years too young. So, we are not dealing with a trivial phenomenon!
“Supporting evidence. Four main categories of supporting evidence are claimed and presented in varying degrees of detail.
Anomalously young radiocarbon dates in north-central North America. Example: the Gainey site in Michigan.
Physical evidence of particle bombardment. Example: chert artifacts with high densities of particle-entrance wounds.
Anomalous uranium and plutonium abundance ratios in the affected area.
“Tree-ring and marine sediment data.
“The authors claim that the burst of radiation from a nearby supernova, circa 12,500 years ago, not only reset radiocarbon clocks but also heated the planet's atmosphere, melted ice sheets, and led to biological extinctions.
“If verified, the claimed phenomenon would also "reset" archeological models of the settlement of North and South America. To illustrate, we may have to add as many as 10,000 years to site dates in much of North America! … Thus we add another potential cause of an often-hypothesized, 12,500-BP catastrophe that is said to have changed the world's history. Competing theories involve asteroid impact, volcanism, a Venusian side-swipe, etc.”
Sites which appear to have been affected by this event in the United States and Canada include the modern-day areas of Gainey, MI; Butler & Leavitt, MI; Taylor, IL; Alton, IN; Shoop, PA; Potts, NY; Thedford & Zander, Ontario; Grant Lake, Nunavut; and Baker, NM.  <>

[16] “Mohenjo-Daro” means “Mound of the Dead,” referring to the archaeological discovery, and is located in the province of Sindh, in southern Pakistan.  The layout of the ancient city, as well as its brickwork seem very professional and comparable to the work of the Romans, including covered drains for waste-water from houses and public baths.  It may have had a population of 40,000 at one time.

[17] Redfern is a UFOlogist and cryptozoologist and a frequent guest of the C2C radio program.  Notes for his May 26, 2012 C2C interview regarding “Men in Black” are included in the radio notes section of this volume.

[18] According to Van Tassel, this ET was from Venus and both verbally and telepathically transmitted to him techniques for rejuvenating the human body.  In 1954 Van Tassel and others began to develop a structure they called the “Integratron,” for experimental study of physics and extending human life based on what had been communicated to Van Tassel by ETs as well as the work of Tesla and Lakhovsky.  The domed structure, 35 ft. high and 55 ft. in diameter, featuring a rotating metal apparatus which generated electricity, was based on the design of Moses' tabernacle in the OT.  The structure was funded partially by Howard Hughes. Compare with C2C notes, 08/23/13, referencing Howard Hughes.

[19] For other references to “shining” beings in these notes, see C2C notes for 08/29/13, and also the notes for “Temples, Creator-Gods, and the Transfiguration of the Soul” from this same collection of notes for the book Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past.  These notes together imply that the “serpent” in the Garden of Eden may have been an Anunnaki and/or “Nordic,” possibly of the house of Enki, acting contrary to the house of Enlil and on behalf of mankind.

[20] In Genesis 4:25, Adam & Eve's next offspring is described as a son, Seth, and it is made clear that Cain has already slain Abel at this point and presumably been banished from Eden.

[21] The Wikipedia article on “Gigantopithecus” explains the word as representing a genus of extinct apes.  Individuals of the Gigantopithecus blacki species stood up to 9.8 ft. tall and weighed up to 1,190 lbs., according to the article.  No leg bones have ever been found and it is debated as to whether they moved on all four limbs or were bipedal like modern man.  They are described as having lived from approximately 9 million years ago until approximately one hundred thousand years ago, in the regions of China, India and Vietnam, placing them in the same time and place as some hominin species, according to current science.

[22] This site is also known as Sunset Guano Cave, Horseshoe Cave, and Loud Site 18, according to Wikipedia.  For more information on discoveries in Lovelock cave, see the radio notes for C2C, 02/08/14, with guest Josh Reeves.

[23] There have been many references made to anomalies recorded in the personal journals of early explorers such as Columbus and Magellan.  These journals may prove to be rich in important historical data.

[24] The suggestion in this article is that Yahweh is being stated here as supreme over the Elohim (ie, Anunnaki).  The KJV translation reads “For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God.”  By the Hebrew words for the deities, this verse reads “For Yehovah your Elohim is Elohim of the Elohim...”

[25] The date and time given here correspond to anomalous archaeological sites such as Göbekli Tepe in Turkey.  The time is also close to the estimated end of the last ice age, and the global cataclysms which are theorized to have ended it.

[26] “Haplogroup X” is a mitochondrial DNA haplogroup that is distinguished from more easily-explainable haplogroups by appearing in the genetics of native peoples who are separated by oceans and other vast distances, and who were not supposed to have been related or in contact with one another in ancient times.  For other references to haplogroup X, see the radio notes for C2C, 05/22/13.

[27] The ancient Jewish tribes were also matriarchal (traced family lineages through the mother's side).  This, and associations between some Native American groups (such as the Algonquin, Sioux & “pure-blood” Cherokee) with people from the ancient Galilee region (and the modern-day Druze societies) through the genetic haploid group “X,” along with other anomalous connections (Los Lunas Decalogue, Bat Creek stone, etc.) have led to theories of some lost historical connection between Native Americans and ancient peoples in the Middle East.

[28] A more exact modern figure for the exact number of days in a solar year is 365.242199.  This is assuming that the number of days in a year is constant over time, ie that the orbit of the Earth does not fluctuate slightly.


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Date d'inscription : 24/12/2014
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Message  Michelle511104 Ven 6 Mar - 12:33

Ouf ! Beaucoup de traduction à faire !
Je vais voir ce que je peux faire.
Veux-tu que je place les traductions ici ou que je les publie sur le blog ?
Or both ?
Auteur de la Sphère Bleue


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Message  bsb22 Sam 7 Mar - 1:47

Oui et ce n'est que les notes pour 2 livres... J'ai pris des notes pour plusieurs livres, et aussi des vidéos, sites webs et émissions sur la radio. Mon livre des notes en anglais a 600 pages environ. Shocked

Je peux traduire ces notes peu à peu et quelqu'un d'autre peut les passer en revue, ou peut-être quand plus de gens enregistrent ici, plus de gens peuvent m'aider, doc ce serait moins d'effort pour chaqu'un.

Mais si tu voudrais, tu peux poster ce que tu veux ici ou dans un nouveau sujet. C'est à toi. J'apprécie ton offre beaucoup mais comme tu vois, c'est une tâche plutôt colossale. Neutral


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Message  Michelle511104 Sam 7 Mar - 12:10

D'accord Brian ! Je vais faire ce que je peux et je les publierai, ici ou sur le blog ... mais je ne sais pas quand ...
Encore merci !
I love you
Auteur de la Sphère Bleue


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Message  bsb22 Sam 14 Mar - 4:32

Michelle, je viens de voir ton article "D'étranges choses à propos de la Lune," et il y a des choses similaires dans mes notes. Voilà...

Anomalies of the Moon

These are notes taken from various sources, and all indicating that there is more to the Moon than meets the eye. There are several different, unrelated angles that have been taken in regards to the Moon that demonstrate anomalies.

One set of facts often brought up to demonstrate the “uniqueness” of our Moon relate to its physical properties as well as its relative position and size between the Earth and the Sun. For example, the Moon happens to be about 400 times smaller than the Sun but also 400 times farther from the Earth than the Sun. This is why the Sun and Moon appear to be exactly the same size in the sky from Earth's perspective, making total solar eclipses possible when the Moon exactly and totally covers the Sun in the sky. Though we may take this for granted, this is not something that all moons are able to do, and at the time of writing it is considered a unique feature of the Earth's Moon to be able to exactly cover the Sun during such an eclipse, and no other moon of any other planet in the Solar System is known to be able to do this. The Moon also does not rotate relative to the Earth, so that one face is constantly locked toward the Earth, and never the “dark side.” This is also extremely unusual.

The Moon is often considered to have been formed from the same material that made the Earth, either at the same time or a later date after an impact event. However, the mineral make-up of the Moon is apparently not consistent with that of the Earth. For example, samples of Moon rocks contain ten times the amount of titanium as one would find on Earth. The Nobel Prize-winning chemist Dr. Harold Urey has remarked on this and said that he was “terribly puzzled by the rocks from the Moon and in particular their titanium content.” Brass and other non-natural materials have also apparently been found in lunar rock samples, including iron particles which are said not to rust.

Irwin Shapiro of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics is quoted as observing, “The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties are none of them could be considered remotely watertight.”

In regards to its mass, NASA installed seismometers on the lunar surface, supposedly during the Apollo missions. NASA then sent an object of a known mass (one of the stages from Apollo 12, we are told) crashing into the Moon's surface in order to measure the seismic response and so estimate the Moon's density. To their astonishment, the Moon responded by ringing “like a bell” (NASA's own terminology, though in reality it rang longer than a bell) – for the better part of an hour. NASA also compared this ringing phenomenon to a “tuning fork.”[1] Dr. Maurine Ewing, a geophysicist and oceanographer, speaking of the seismograph results, is attributed as saying, “As for the meaning of it, I’d rather not make an interpretation right now, but it is as though someone had struck a bell, say, in the belfry of the a church a single blow and found that the reverberation from it continued for 30 minutes.” On Earth even the largest earthquakes are dampened in about 2 minutes.

Ken Johnson, who worked on the Apollo program in “data and photo control,” said “The Moon not only rang like a bell, but the whole Moon wobbled in such a precise way that it was almost as though it had gigantic hydraulic damper struts inside it.” Along these lines, it has been noted that the Moon has “mascons” inside of it, short for “mass concentrations,” which are simply mysterious concentrations of mass inside of the Moon.

Many have concluded based on the extremely pro-longed “ringing” response alone that the Moon is at least partially hollow at its center, if not simply an outer shell that is almost entirely hollow, much like the construction of a real bell. Dr. Sean C. Solomon of MIT has been quoted as stating, "The Lunar Orbiter experiments had vastly improved knowledge of the Moon’s gravitational field and indicated the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow," while Carl Sagan is known for stating that “A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.”

Farouk El-Baz, an Egyptian American space scientist who worked with NASA remarked on the apparent emission of water vapor from the surface of the Moon, stating, “If water vapour is coming from the Moon’s interior is this serious. It means that there is a drastic distinction between the different phases of the lunar interior – that the interior is quite different from what we have seen on the surface.” According to Dr. Robin Brett of NASA, “It seems much easier to explain the nonexistence of the moon than its existence.”

There are also numerous photos, videos and written accounts of UFOs traveling near the Moon or even across its surface. One of the earliest written accounts of what might be called a UFO today was recorded by Dr. F.B. Harris on January 27, 1912, as found in the Reader's Digest book Mysteries of the Unexplained:

About 10:30 Eastern time I was surprised to see the left cusp showing the presence of an intensely black body about 250 miles long and fifty wide, allowing 2000 miles from tip of cusp to cusp. The appearance was fully as black comparatively as marks on this paper, and in shape like a crow poised.

Of course dark places are here and there on the lunar surface, but not like this. Not to be tedious I will say that every effort was made to eliminate any error of vision or other mistake. … The moon is very tricky and it is very unlikely that anything of this character will be seen in many years or hundreds of years even. I cannot but think that a very interesting and curious phenomenon happened.

Richard C. Hoagland, who was the science advisor to CBS News during the Apollo missions, now runs a website called “The Enterprise Mission,” where he provides many photographs of what appear to be artificial structures on both the Moon as well as Mars. The features Hoagland points out are also shown on the original NASA copies, though Hoagland states that he knows from personal experience working around NASA employees as a reporter that much of what is photo-graphed using high-resolution cameras is airbrushed and otherwise edited to remove the most blatant “artifacts” before the photos are released for public consumption.

One of these apparent structures on the Moon, which Hoagland calls “the Spire,” is visible near the edge of the Moon's horizon as seen from Earth, and protrudes out far enough to be seen against the backdrop of black space behind it in multiple photographs taken from space. This feature appears as a very thick, spiraling antenna-like structure that must be miles tall. Hoagland also points out various ways that one can show that these are not artifacts produced by the camera itself, including the fact that many of these features, including the “Spire,” appear in multiple photographs from multiple craft. This structure appears in images taken by at least two different craft: the Russian Zond 3 craft in 1964 and again by NASA's Lunar Orbiter 3 in 1967.

[Voici une image similaire à celui dans mes notes:]

Notes en anglais pour traduire MoonSpire-3

From its apparent hollowness, apart from equally anomalous internal “mass concentrations,” geological makeup consisting of unexplainably high levels of titanium (an important material for jet engines, submersibles and spacecraft, with the highest strength-to-density ratio of any metallic element), lack of rotation relative to the direction of the Earth, improbable size and positioning to be able to create total solar eclipses or even to occupy the orbit that it does, other general improbabilities of astrophysics, UFO sightings and the presence of anomalous features on the surface that are hard to explain via any sort of natural phenomenon, one might be led to begin to consider the possibility that the Moon is not an entirely natural feature of the Solar System.

When we get onto this line of thinking, it's natural to wonder the basic questions of who, what, where, when, why, how, etc. Who could and would be able to manipulate such massive objects in space? Why would they construct or so heavily modify such a structure? How, technologically, could they have achieved this? And when would this have been done?

There actually are some references we can make as to the “when” of the Moon's placement into Earth's orbit, as the ancient Greeks and others wrote of tribes more ancient than themselves who recalled a time when there was no moon. An article from the Velikovsky Archives website discusses these references[2]:

The Earth without the Moon

The period when the Earth was Moonless is probably the most remote recollection of mankind. Democritus and Anaxagoras taught that there was a time when the Earth was without the Moon.[3] Aristotle wrote that Arcadia in Greece, before being inhabited by the Hellenes, had a population of Pelasgians, and that these aborigines occupied the land already before there was a moon in the sky above the Earth; for this reason they were called Proselenes.[4]

Apollonius of Rhodes mentioned the time “when not all the orbs were yet in the heavens, before the Danai and Deukalion races came into existence, and only the Arcadians lived, of whom it is said that they dwelt on mountains and fed on acorns, before there was a moon.”[5]

Plutarch wrote in The Roman Questions: “There were Arcadians of Evander’s following, the so-called pre-Lunar people.”5 Similarly wrote Ovid: “The Arcadians are said to have possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and the folk is older than the Moon.”[7] Hippolytus refers to a legend that “Arcadia brought forth Pelasgus, of greater antiquity than the moon.”[8] Lucian in his Astrology says that “the Arcadians affirm in their folly that they are older than the moon.”[9]

Censorinus also alludes to the time in the past when there was no moon in the sky.[10]

Some allusions to the time before there was a Moon may be found also in the Scriptures. In Job 25:5 the grandeur of the Lord who “Makes peace in the heights” is praised and the time is mentioned “before [there was] a moon and it did not shine.” Also in Psalm 72:5 it is said: “Thou wast feared since [the time of] the sun and before [the time of] the moon, a generation of generations.” A “generation of generations” means a very long time. Of course, it is of no use to counter this psalm with the myth of the first chapter of Genesis, a tale brought down from exotic and later sources.

The memory of a world without a moon lives in oral tradition among the Indians. The Indians of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Colombia relate some of their tribal reminiscences to the time before there was a moon. “In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens,” say the tribesmen of Chibchas.[11]

There are currently three theories of the origin of the moon:

1) The Moon originated at the same time as the Earth, being formed substantially from the same material, aggregating and solidifying.
2) The Moon was formed not in the vicinity of the Earth, but in a different part of the solar system, and was later captured by the Earth.
3) The Moon was originally a portion of the terrestrial crust and was torn out, leaving behind the bed of the Pacific.

All three theories claim the presence of the Moon on an orbit around the Earth for billions of years. Mythology may supply each of these views with some support (Genesis I for the first view; the birth of Aphrodite from the sea for the third view; Aphrodite’s origin in the disruption of Uranus, and also the violence of Sin—the Babylonian Moon—seems to support the second view).

Since mankind on both sides of the Atlantic preserved the memory of a time when the Earth was without the Moon, the first hypothesis, namely, of the Moon originating simultaneously with the Earth and in its vicinity, is to be excluded, leaving the other two hypotheses to compete between themselves.

We have seen that the traditions of diverse peoples offer corroborative testimony to the effect that in a very early age, but still in the memory of mankind, no moon accompanied the Earth.[12] Since human beings already peopled the Earth, it is improbable that the Moon sprang from it: there must have existed a solid lithosphere, not a liquid earth. Thus while I do not claim to know the origin of the Moon, I find it more probable that the Moon was captured by the Earth. Such an event would have occurred as a catastrophe.[13] If the Moon’s formation took place away from the Earth,[14] its composition may be quite different.

There is no evidence to suggest whether the Moon was a planet, a satellite of another planet, or a comet at the time of its capture by the Earth. Whatever atmosphere it may have had[15] was pulled away by the Earth, by other contacting bodies, or dissipated in some other way.

Since the time the Moon began to accompany the Earth, it underwent the influence of contacts with comets and planets that passed near the Earth in subsequent ages. The mass of the Moon being less than that of the Earth, the Moon must have suffered greater disturbances in cosmic contacts. During these contacts the Moon was not carried away: this is due to the fact that no body more powerful than the Earth came sufficiently close to the Moon to take it away from the Earth for good; but in the contacts that took place the Moon was removed repeatedly from one orbit to another.

The variations in the position of the Moon can be read in the variations in the length of the month. The length of the month repeatedly changed in [subsequent] catastrophic events—and for this there exists a large amount of supporting evidence. In these later occurrences the Moon played a passive role, and Zeus in the Iliad advised it (Aphrodite) to stay out of the battle in which Athene and Ares (Venus and Mars) were the main contestants.

It will be recalled from the Bashar notes in the channeled notes section that Bashar was channeled as saying that the Moon was placed in the Earth's orbit about 11,000 years ago, or about 9,000 BC, which was about the end of the last ice age and almost exactly when Plato wrote that Atlantis was sunk into the ocean. Future volumes of these notes will include notes from the book Russian History through Distorted Mirrors, which cites ancient Indo-European texts stating that the Earth had three moons at one time in the past but that they were destroyed in warfare and resulted in cataclysmic impact events upon the Earth which resulted in the sinking of continents. Since there may have been multiple continental sinking events in the past, the time frame on this will require more analysis of the notes from that particular book.

Bashar also stated that before our current moon was in orbit, there was no light at night and this general period of time was filled with chaos. The Moon represented “light in the darkness” and also an “engine of ascension,” bringing a balance to the Sun in the sky which symbolized a balance between masculine and feminine energies. Bashar also stated that the Moon was originally a natural body but was “converted” to some degree of artificiality for unspecified purposes. Bashar suggested that humanity will learn more about this relationship to the Moon once certain chambers at the Sphinx and Pyramids at Giza are opened. Finally, he stated that the mascons within the Moon are artificial constructions which were used to place the Moon in its current orbit.

Earth is not the only planet suspected of having artificial moons. Russian astrophysicist Iosif Shklovsky (also known by his slightly anglicized name, Joseph Shklovskii) studied the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, and in 1959 hypothesized that they were both hollow and therefore artificial bodies. In 1988 the Soviet Union launched two spacecraft to observe Mars' moon Phobos. The first of these craft was lost en route, due to what Soviet officials called a radio command error. The second of these craft became infamous after it approached the moon, took photos which included a cigar-shaped shadow that suddenly appeared on the surface of Phobos, and then just as suddenly lost contact with Earth. The Soviets also stated to media that they had received photographs of the Martian surface from the craft which showed anomalous features that could not be explained by any known geological process. In the April 8th, 1989 issue of New Scientist, these features were described as “spindle-shaped” and “intriguing and puzzling.”


[1] <>

[2] <>

[3] Reference: Hippolytus, Refutatio Omnium Haeresium V. ii.

[4] Reference: Aristotle, fr. 591 (ed. V. Rose [Teubner:Tuebingen, 1886] ). Cf. Pauly’s Realencyclopaedie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, article “Mond” ; H. Roscher, Lexicon d. griech. und roemisch. Mythologie, article “Proselenes.”

[5] Reference: Argonautica IV.264.

[6] Reference: Plutarch, Moralia, transl. by F. C. Babbit, sect. 76.

[7] Reference: Fasti, transl. by Sir J. Frazer, II. 290.

[8] Reference: Refutatio Omnium Haeresium V. ii.

[9] Reference: Lucian, Astrology, transl. by A. M. Harmon (1936), p. 367, par. 26.

[10] Reference: Liber de die natali 19; also scholium on Aristophanes’ Clouds, line 398.

[11] Reference: A. von Humboldt, Vues des Cordillères (1816), English transl.: Researches Concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America, (1814), vol. I, p. 87; cf. H. Fischer, In mondener Welt (1930), p. 145.

[12] Reference: [In addition to the sources cited above, cf. The Nihongi Chronicles of Japan (I.ii, in Transactions and Proceedings of the Japanese Society, vol. I [1896]) which recount how “Heaven and Earth . . . produced the Moon-god.” The Kalevala of the Finns recalls a time “when the Moon was placed in orbit.” (Rune III.35)]

[13] Reference: [Cf. the effects of such an event on the Earth’s rotation calculated by H. Gerstenkorn in Zeitschrift fuer Astrophysik, 36 (1955), p. 245; cf. idem, in Mantles of the Earth and the Terrestrial Planets, S. K. Runcorn ed., (New York, 1967); also idem in Icarus 9 (1968), p. 394.]

[14] Reference: [Cf. H. Alfven and G. Arrhenius, “Two Alternatives for the History of the Moon,” Science 165 (1969), 11ff.; S. F. Singer and L. W. Banderman, “Where was the Moon Formed?” Science 170 (1970), 438-439: “ . . . The moon was formed independently of the earth and later captured, presumably by a three-body interaction, and these events were followed by the dissipation of the excess energy through tidal friction in a close encounter.” More recently, a study of lunar paleotides has shown that “the Moon could not have been formed in orbit around the Earth” (A. J. Anderson, “Lunar Paleotides and the Origin of the Earth-Moon System,” The Moon and the Planets, 19 [1978], 409-417). Because of a certain degree of instability in the Sun-Earth-Moon system, “the planetary origin and capture of the Moon by the Earth becomes a strong dynamic possibility.” (V. Szebehely and R. McKenzie, “Stability of the Sun-Earth-Moon System,” The Astronomical Journal 82 (1977), 303ff.].

[15] Reference: [Cf. Yu. B. Chernyak, “On Recent Lunar Atmosphere,” Nature, 273 (15 June, 1978), pp. 497ff. The author found “strong theoretical evidence of a considerable atmosphere on the Moon during the greater part of its history.”]


Messages : 80
Date d'inscription : 24/12/2014
Localisation : États-Unis

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Message  Michelle511104 Sam 14 Mar - 14:28

Wow ! BEAUCOUP d'informations intéressantes !
I must find the time to translate !
It's a must !
Merci !
Auteur de la Sphère Bleue


Messages : 45
Date d'inscription : 24/12/2014
Localisation : Waterloo, Québec

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Message  bsb22 Dim 15 Mar - 20:44

Une autre image puisque celui au-dessus ne marche pas:

Notes en anglais pour traduire Luna26_02

J'ai trouvé deux erreurs typographique dans ma texte: "If water vapour is coming from the Moon’s interior is this serious." en lieu de "If water vapour is coming from the Moon’s interior this is serious." , et "photo-graphed" devrait être "photographed."


Messages : 80
Date d'inscription : 24/12/2014
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Message  Michelle511104 Dim 15 Mar - 21:15

I guessed that it's what was meant ... Surprised
Auteur de la Sphère Bleue


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Date d'inscription : 24/12/2014
Localisation : Waterloo, Québec

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Message  Nat_Lee Mer 27 Mai - 5:45

Vraiment très intéressant la partie de la lune ! Smile
Je n'ai pas en le temps de lire les autres sujets de ton texte encore ...

J'ai constaté une erreur de frappe:

bsb22 a écrit:The second of these craft became infamous after it approached the moon, took photos which included a cigar-shaped shadow that suddenly appeared on the surface of Phobos, and then just as suddenly lost contact with Earth.

did you mean Photos ?
Nat Lee


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Date d'inscription : 28/04/2015
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